You need to stop hating yourself in order to lose weight Well, hello, my friends today. We’re gonna talk about why you need to stop hating yourself in order to lose the extra weight, what you weigh today, how you eat, whether you binge today, your bad habits, all of those things are the results… [Read More]
Body Acceptance
Can I just
Can I just Hi friends. Happy Friday. Hey, I just wanted to come on and talk to you. I was on a walk this morning and, um, I was just feeling so much gratitude, um, gratitude for my body that I was able to be out walking. Um, I was thinking about when I weighed… [Read More]
Understanding and Ending Your Emotional Eating
Understanding and Ending Your Emotional Eating Hi friends. Welcome back. So today we’re going to really dive into emotional eating. What is emotional eating? Let’s talk about that first. Okay. The way that I see emotional eating is when you feel any million different feelings and you feel uncomfortable, even if it’s a positive emotion… [Read More]
Using food to unwind
Using food to unwind Welcome everybody. We’re gonna be talking about using food to unwind. This is such a common thing that I see with so many of the people that I work with, right. It really was also something that I used to do all the time too, which is why I wanna address… [Read More]
Why Will Power Is Not The Answer
Why Will Power Is Not The Answer Welcome everybody. We’re talking about desire today. Our desire to overeat. If you wanna start to change your desire and decrease your desire to overeat now getting a handle on the desire to overeat. It really is the holy grail for most of my clients. I know, I… [Read More]